Want to get involved?
There are many volunteer opportunities available to help grow our local party and get Democrats elected here, in Oklahoma, and beyond.
You and your efforts can make a difference!
Want to learn more? Get in touch or attend one of our monthly meetings. ​​

The Washington County Democrats hold monthly meetings the last Thursday of each month at Crossing 2nd, 7:00 pm. ​Please get in touch, we would love to hear from you! Call or text 918-212-6547.
How can you make a difference?
Register new voters
Join us at a community event or join LWV or other organizations to register more voters in Washington County
Write postcards
Write a postcard to an undecided or non-active voter and ask them to vote in November
Contact voters
Call, text, or knock on doors to talk with voters. Ask them to make a plan to vote in November. Get out the vote for Democrats in Oklahoma!
Be a booth volunteer
We have upcoming events such as the county fair and Bartlesville Pride - we need groups of 3 or 4 democrats to work the table and talk with voters
"Drop Lit"
We are dropping doorhangers with info about Washington County Democratic Party to registered Democrats. We need teams of runners & a driver to help the runner "drop lit"
Attend or host a fundraiser
Are you a party person? We would love for you to host a small group of friends - or a grand affair! Set up a fun event where people can meet the candidates and make a difference
Here are some ACTION suggestions, pick one or more. Need help or want to get started? Email washcodemsok@gmail.com
- Donate to WashCoDems so we can build our local party into the future. Donate via ActBlue.
- Attend our events & invite other Democrat friends
- Host a small Democrats ice cream social, postcards party, or friends-only fundraiser for a candidate
- “Drop lit” for an hour - we have door hangers to distribute in Bartlesville & Dewey
- Work our booth for an hour or two at the Washington County Fair in September
- Write a letter to the editor about an issue that is important to you, or to support a candidate
- “Rep” for Washington County Democrats by having a bumpersticker, wearing a t-shirt or hat. Let people know there are active Democrats locally.
- Protest for reproductive rights and other issues in Tulsa or Bartlesville
- Register new voters. Consider joining or helping LWV Bartlesville with their registration drives.
- Text bank or Phone bank for out-of-state candidates in close races. Visit mobilize.us and filter-search for remote/virtual events. ​​​​